Welcome to all people who wants to know this beautiful animal.

Here is what you will find on this web site:


- Deer's life through 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn et winter.
- How to see them.
- What do they eat and how?
- Where do they live?
- Famous rut cry: understand and hear it.


- an overview of all cervidae since they appeared on the earth.
- family of cervidae around the earth.
- identity card of each genus and species


Deer in the human history:
- Palaeolithic
- Antiquity
- Middle Age: kings (Clovis & Charlemagne)
- Middle Age: saints (Saint Hubert)
- Midle Age: legends (King Arthur cycle)
- Great siecle: La Fontaine
- Bambi


A photo galery with all kind of cervidae from all over the world.


Books selection on Deer an other cervidae, for all ages.


Sites selection about deer and other cervidae, and other site related to this web site.


- You can let your feelings on my guestbook.
- You can write me directly.